What’s New at BodySite? Well, Everything!

If you are looking for additional information about the subjects covered in the “what’s new” webinar, you can check out the list below. Each topic includes an instructional article and/or video to help you get started.
- Bulk Upload, Assign and Message your patients or clients. These 3 new “bulk” features on BodySite make managing patient care easier and more efficient for your practice. Click here to read more.
- Create Unlimited Staff Accounts for every person in your practice. Click here to see how. Your front desk personnel, coaches, nurses, medical assistants, and others can all have their own accounts with their own log in credentials so that they can each monitor and engage with your patients or content.
- BodySite’s New Content Management System for amazing digital health guidance. Did you ever want to create beautiful wellness and care protocols for your patients but thought it was too time consuming? Well, patient education just got easier. Check it out!
- Your Plans Marketplace – a new revenue stream for your practice. That’s right! You can mark any of your programs (or any of ours) FOR SALE. Send your patients the link and they can purchase the program right from the URL. You can even mark the plans for FREE which gives your patients or clients the ability to self-enroll into any of your programs. Either way, first, set up your Stripe account by following the instructions in the video at this link. Then, actually mark your plans for free or for sale by following the steps here.
- EveryDayRx™ – a way to further customize lifestyle instructions for each patient or client. EveryDayRx™ can be used to provide content to a patient outside of the actual program that they are following. Whereas programs come to an end, EveryDayRx™ is available to your patient every single day until it is removed. Maybe you want to remind them to take their supplement everyday? No need to build a plan. Just tell them what to do and it will appear instantly in their account and stay there every day, until removed.
- Native iOS and Android App – All of the updates we have done to the iOS app this last year are now coming to the Android app. See more here! Easily manage patient care information and education from virtually anywhere™. Both apps will now include HIPAA-compliant messages with push notifications, food tracking by bar code scanning, food database and photos, new graphs and visuals, and so much more.
- New Alerts + Reminders. Want to get notified if your patient tracks something out of range? OR, if your patient doesn’t track something at all? Find out how at this link.