Top 7 Best Diets of 2022 at BodySite

As we’re approaching the final months of 2022, we are revealing the list of our best diets this year based on popularity among BodySite healthcare professionals and practitioners.  Only you as a healthcare provider can decide what is “best” for your patients, but here are the most popular diets based on usage by thousands of healthcare providers on BodySite. Our providers have chosen these diets as their top choices to assign to their patients and have found great success in using them.

For those who are unfamiliar, BodySite is a patient care guidance and monitoring solution for healthcare professionals that helps providers guide patients to their health and wellness goals beyond the four walls of the clinic. Our detailed library of care protocols can be used as-is or customized to fit a specific patient’s needs. They cover a wide variety of medical issues that keep the patient engaged in their health all while saving the provider time. Plans and protocols can be as long or as short as the provider sees fit and can include diet, exercise, and medication information all of which the provider can monitor in real-time.

Here are BodySite’s top 7 diets of 2022 based on popularity among BodySite healthcare professionals and practitioners…

1. Paleo Diet

The Paleo Diet is based on eating modern-day foods that mimic foods of the pre-Agricultural Revolution (about 333 generations ago). It has also been called the caveman diet because it has the characteristics of hunter-gatherer diets which are unprocessed “real” foods such as meat, seafood, eggs, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. There is little starch and NO sugar on this plan.

Our providers have had great success with BodySite’s Paleo Diet. Diego F. Rutenberg, LAc, IFMc, stated: “Many times the first steps to a successful functional intervention is to initiate the journey by creating an optimal lifestyle and nutritional reset. I find the ancestral paleo nutrition meal plan ideal to guide patients on eliminating possible general triggers, reducing inflammation, boosting optimal gut function, and detoxification. It’s simple, effective and easy to follow. That is why in my practice it’s one of my top choices when it comes to nutritional advice.”

2. Clean 28

The Clean 28 Healthy Weight Loss Program outlines a practical, healthy and safe way to lose weight. It is all about eating healthy foods: lean meats, lots of fruits and vegetables, low carbs, and healthy fats. Carbs never go over 20% per day. This program is also a great foundational program to teach patients how to eat healthily so we have a version of this program called Clean28 Healthy Life in case you don’t want it to be specifically labeled as “weight loss.”

Dr. Eric Kusher, DC, Owner of Compass Fat Loss, stated “In our practice, we have found the plan templates within BodySite to be invaluable in offering patients personalized solutions. Although our dietary guidelines are very patient-specific, BodySite has provided multiple pre-made plans available to us which are fully editable…this allows us to tailor the template to every patient’s specific requirements. While the Clean28 plan, for example, utilizes many of the parameters we offer within our program, we can also fully edit and save it to create a fully unique and personalized plan to fit within our model. Like many other of the advantages BodySite provides, these collective abilities are truly game-changers for our clinical care!”

3. Anti-Inflammatory Paleo Protocol / Autoimmune Paleo

The Anti-Inflammatory Paleo Protocol (AIP) is used to treat inflammatory disease and reduce inflammation in the intestines which can lead to autoimmune disease. BodySite has two versions of this protocol: anti-inflammatory and autoimmune. The anti-inflammatory protocol focuses on those who struggle with inflammation, while the autoimmune protocol goes further into autoimmune disease. These plans both completely remove all foods and allergens that cause inflammation in the gut such as grains, legumes, nightshades, and sweeteners. Similar to the “Whole30” and other healthy gut programs, patients will feel re-energized and healthier after following this diet!

Many of BodySite’s providers find success in using the AIP Protocols for their patients. Missy Beavers, M.S. in nutrition states:

“BodySite’s autoimmune paleo diet template is a great starting point for people who are new to the diet. It provides recipes, menus, tips and tools to help my clients follow the diet. I used the recipes provided and added my own education and videos to help explain the steps of my protocol, then added my own daily education to walk clients through 12 weeks of healing. The app is so versatile that is has replaced several of the other platforms I was using. It is my one-stop-shop! Following an autoimmune paleo diet is an essential part of healing the gut and shutting off inflammation and immune flares.The BodySite software and app make it easy for clients to adhere to this diet that is often seen as restrictive and hard to follow.”

4. Weight Loss Roadmap

The Weight Loss Roadmap is a 12-week weight loss program with 5 Phases: Education, Elimination, Reintroduction, Transition, and Healthy for Life. This is the last diet your patients will ever need. This roadmap is your patients’ complete guide to losing weight and keeping it off, for life. During the first phase, they eliminate inflammatory foods in order to shred the weight and then they learn how to eat those foods in moderation. This program emphasizes dark leafy vegetables, low sugar fruits, lean meats, and no sugar.

5. Mediterranean / Gluten Free Mediterranean / Mediterranean Diet for Diabetes

If your patients are looking for a heart-healthy eating plan, the Mediterranean diet might be right for them. The Mediterranean Diet incorporates the basics of healthy eating — plus a splash of flavorful olive oil and perhaps even a glass of red wine — among other components characterizing the traditional cooking style of countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea.

BodySite has a couple of versions of the Mediterranean diet. We also have the Gluten Free Mediterranean Diet and the Mediterranean Diet for Diabetes. All three variants primarily involve the same habits, but each one puts a focus on different types of issues that your patients may be struggling with. The Mediterranean Diet for Diabetes completely eliminates red meat and focuses on practices that help with blood sugar management.

6. Plant Based / Vegan Plant Based / Vegetarian

BodySite has a Plant Based Diet, a Vegan Plant Based Diet, and a Vegetarian Diet. A plant-based diet can be defined as a way of eating that focuses on whole, clean, natural foods that have had no chemical processing or genetic modifications involved from the point of creation to delivery to your plate. The diet consists mostly of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds and oils. Quite similar to the flexitarian diet in this aspect, the Plant Based Diet differs from the vegetarian and vegan diets in that it actually permits animal food products but in much smaller portions.

The Vegetarian Diet, which permits some animal food products, is an introductory plan that caters to vegetarians and provides guidance for ovo-vegetarians, lacto-vegetarians and ovo-lacto vegetarians. This plan excludes meat, fish, and poultry, but allows dairy products and eggs therefore many meals in this plan may not qualify as “vegan” in philosophy. The Vegan Plant Based Diet is recommended to be used when looking to prescribe a diet without any animal products. All three are available in BodySite’s library of template wellness plans!

7. Ketogenic Diet

The Ketogenic Diet is a high-fat, average-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. The diet forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates. This diet generates the production of ketone bodies which pass into the brain and replace glucose as an energy source. Typically producing weight loss, this plan has also been recommended by doctors before certain surgeries.

Many of our providers have found success in using our Ketogenic Diet. Jordyn Stoneberg, VP of Marketing at Real Ketones, stated “Having a diet plan that users can base their own low carb menus off of is so helpful for us – as we’re a supplement company made to accompany a low carb or keto diet, not a nutrition counseling practice. While we have vast knowledge of ketones from clinically proven studies, experiences, and secondary research, it certainly helps to have a plan we can offer to customers to get them started that’s from an app that was made for medical professionals!”


U.S. News & World Report and Forbes Health ranked the best diets from a panel of diet, nutrition and health experts and both are in agreement—the MIND diet is on the list for best diets of 2022.

The MIND diet stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay. It’s a brain-healthy diet that hybrids the DASH diet and the Mediterranean diet, focusing on foods that boost brainpower and protect it from age-related problems. That’s why this week, BodySite will adding the MIND diet to its library of 60+ other care plans that you can use to streamline patient education and lifestyle guidance with your patients. Stay tuned for more information on the MIND Diet.

U.S News & World Report ranks the Mediterranean Diet, DASH Diet, and Flexitarian Diet among the top 4 diets for 2022 along with the MIND Diet. The Mediterranean Diet and DASH Diet are already available in BodySite’s detailed library of care plans. The Flexitarian Diet is very similar to the Plant Based Diet (available on BodySite) and the MIND Diet is coming soon.

Why BodySite?

We recognize that some doctors and some patients may need individualized approaches to wellness plans, so that’s why our 60+ remote care programs are all customizable using our content management system, if you choose to modify the program.

Each program will also come with access to a complete remote patient monitoring web portal and app for iPhone and Android. Patients will be able to track their progress, keep a journal, and follow your prescribed program materials everyday with ease, all while making the process of health monitoring much easier for you.

If you’re looking for remote care tools to assist you in adding online/remote patient care to your practice, check out BodySite offers HIPAA compliant messaging/telemedicine, an automated patient education system, and many other ways to care for your patients remotely. Click HERE to claim your 30-Day Free Trial of the BodySite platform; click here to learn more about the BodySite solution.

DISCLAIMER: This article is not reflective of the personal opinion of BodySite, rather this data is based on usage among BodySite healthcare providers and professionals.