Paleo Diet Plan for Nutritional Patient Education

Guiding patients through a modern day caveman diet by providing a nutritional way to optimize health, minimize risk of chronic disease, and lose weight. 

What is the Paleo Diet Plan?

The Paleo or Paleolithic Diet Plan is based on eating modern day foods that mimic foods of our pre-Agricultural Revolution (about 333 generations ago).  It has also been called “the caveman diet” because it has the characteristics of hunter-gather diets which are unprocessed “real” foods such as meat, seafood, eggs, vegetables, fruits and nuts.  There is little starch and NO sugar on this plan.

This plan doesn’t mean you have to mimic our prehistoric ancestors, but rather their way of eating. The premise of the Paleo diet is not low calorie or low fat. There is no calorie counting or food weighing; calling it a diet at all can be confusing.

It is not so much a diet for weight loss but more of a nutritional approach to help to optimize your health, minimize your risk of chronic disease and help you lose weight.

What Are the Rules of This Diet Plan?

This diet plan has some restrictions on what your patients can and cannot eat in order to keep them on the right track. Natural, unprocessed foods have so many benefits that will help your patients achieve their goals, and they are a big part of the Paleo Diet Plan.

The emphasis is on the quality of foods you consume. You are encouraged to buy local, organic, grass fed foods as much as possible and avoid processed, refined, and packaged foods including grains, legumes, and excess sugar (especially fructose).

Here are the simple rules of this plan:

1. Eat real food.

2. Eat meat, seafood, vegetables, and good fats.

3. Don’t overdo nuts and fruits.

4. Don’t eat stuff that can hurt you like processed, packaged foods such as grains and legumes.

5. Before you cheat, ask yourself: Is it worth it?

What’s Inside the Plan?

Guiding your patients through new eating habits and lifestyles can be difficult, and it can definitely be a chore to collect all of the needed information.

Fortunately, their program will provide them with daily recipes, motivation, guidance, and tasks in order to help them transition to the Paleo Diet made specially for them. This way, they can maintain their healthy eating plan even after the 28 days are up.

Each day, their program will start with some motivation or helpful tips that they can follow throughout their everyday lives. Here is an example:

These are intended to keep your patients motivated and/or to give them some tips and ideas that will help them maintain a healthy lifestyle during and after the Clean 28 Diet Plan. Patients can take in the information provided and use it throughout their daily lives.

Their daily motivation or tips are then followed by daily tasks that will keep them on a healthy, grounded schedule throughout their plan. Here is an example:

These tasks encourage patients to make sure they are tracking the food and metrics that need to be tracked in order to keep you updated with their progress.

Following these tasks are the daily recipes that your patients will follow. They are provided with a shopping list for each week so that they never miss a day of good meals. Here is an example:

Each day provides this content for your patients and are a great help when it comes to easily adjusting to their new plan.

Why the Paleo Diet?

We recognize that some doctors and some patients may need individualized approaches to wellness plans, so that’s why our Paleo Diet Plan as well as our 60+ other remote care programs are all customizable using out content management system, if you choose to modify the program.

Their program will also come with access to a complete remote patient monitoring web portal and app for iPhone and Android. Patients will be able to track their progress, keep a journal, and follow your prescribed program materials everyday with ease, all while making the process of health monitoring much easier for you.

Use the Paleo Diet Plan today to guide your patients through a nutritional way to optimize health, minimize risk of chronic disease, and lose weight. If you’re not already using the BodySite remote care platform, you can sign up for a free trial at this link. If you’re already a member, check out the Paleo Diet Plan today!