Customize Wellness Plans, Sell Diets and Plans Online, Give Patients Mindfulness and More

The BodySite Digital Health Guidance System has recently launched so many new features and so much new content, we’re wondering if you knew about all of it!
If you missed our webinar on November 16, that’s alright; we recorded it live for you! This 40-minute webinar covers many of the new features at BodySite. Check out the topics covered in the webinar below. Please enjoy the “Big Things at BodySite” webinar:
Topics Covered in the Webinar:
1. Premium Shopping Cart Marketplace: One of the newest features on BodySite is our e-commerce solution for your practice. You can now sell plans to patients AND sell your plans to other BodySite providers, both for a profit. This week Dr. Corinne Weaver launched her “No More Meds for Kids: Healthy Solutions!” plan and Dr. Sage Haggard launched his “KetoPaleoFast” plans and his “NEAT – Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis” plan. We also have two new Stress Reduction plans. Done for you! Want to see step-by-step instructions for getting started selling YOUR plans? Click here.
2. Introducing EveryDayRx™ – a way to further customize lifestyle instructions for each patient or client. EveryDayRx is your everyday prescription for wellness, a game-changing solution in your BodySite account that allows you to customize each patient’s daily care more than ever. In addition to the diet, exercise, mindfulness, lifestyle or other plan that you’ve assigned to your patient or client, use EveryDayRx to assign advice with videos, photos, exercises, meals and instructions of any kind, right on the patient’s account in seconds. Maybe you want to remind them to take their supplement everyday? No need to build a plan. Just tell them what to do and it will appear instantly in their account and stay there every day, until removed.
3. New Staff/Team Member Accounts. Find out HOW here.
4. The All-New BodySite iOS App. You can download it now in the Apple App Store by searching for “BodySite Lifestyle Guide”. If you want to watch a 3-minute demo OR learn more about white-labeling the app, check it out here.
5. The Ability to Check Off Past Tasks. This new feature gives you the ability to decide from plan to plan whether or not your patients should be able to check off past tasks that they weren’t able to do on the day of. Want to read more about this feature? Click here.
6. 30 Days of Sleep Hygiene. This new plan allows patients to develop their own set of healthy sleep habits that will help them achieve their goal of proper sleep hygiene. Use this plan to suggest healthy sleep methods and/or supplements and customize it based on the needs of your patients. Check it out here.
7. The Pillars of Health Plan. This new plan is meant to give meaningful information on the four pillars of health along with some helpful tips in order to find a good balance of nutrition, exercise, relaxation, and sleep. It discusses how the pillars work together in order to keep the body running smoothly and efficiently while also greatly benefitting and protecting emotional well-being. Want to know more? Click here.
8. Evergreen Wellness. The new year-round Wellness Plan, customized for every season. Use this plan to send general wellness tips throughout the year or incorporate your own marketing or advice right into this plan. Want to know more about how to use it in your practice? Click here.
If you’re not using BodySite Digital Health Guidance in your practice, click here to try it free today or click on the try it free button at the top of this screen. See how you can deliver better care, effortlessly and make your practice more profitable at the same time.