BodySite + Fullscript Webinar Recording: Using Evidence-Based Protocols on Your Patient Care Plans

On August 23, 2022 BodySite hosted a live webinar with Fullscript where the two discussed their integration and Fullscript’s evidence-based protocols. During webinar, we had the opportunity to hear from Dr. Peter Woznik, ND MSc about the process used to develop Fullscript’s evidence-based protocols.
With the upgraded BodySite + Fullscript integration, you can use Fullscript’s evidence-based protocols directly on your patient care plans, including BodySite’s 60+ template care plans.
If you missed it or would like to re-watch, the webinar recording is below:
What is Fullscript?
Fullscript is a free platform for healthcare professionals to prescribe and dispense personalized wellness plans and protocols to clients. Fullscript carries professional-grade supplements, natural food products and personal care products that are easily accessible to Practitioners and their patients.
- It’s virtual – limit or avoid need for in-office dispensary
- Better client adherence and safety, quality
- Improved workflow through EHR integrations
- Access to Knowledge Center and evidence-based, decision-supported practitioner resources
What is BodySite?
BodySite is a remote patient care and monitoring platform that helps doctors automate care instructions and manage patients between encounters to improve patient outcomes and increase practice revenue. Patients can track progress including body metrics, calories, activity, steps, sleep and more. Practitioners remotely monitor all tracked information and can provide better care and support in a fraction of the time. Easily enroll patients into care plans including turnkey weight management, heart-healthy and gut health programs so patients receive your guidance everyday, digitally.
Basics of the Integration
Inside your BodySite account, you can sync your Fullscript account so you can make supplement recommendations to patients. So rather than having to navigate to another platform to make your recommendations, you can do it all inside BodySite. In your patient records, you’ll see all recommendations including both pending and placed orders.
And recently, BodySite added the ability to add Fullscript’s evidence-based protocols directly into the BodySite care plans.
Process of Developing Evidence-Based Protocols
Dr. Peter Woznik is a Board-Certified Naturopathic Doctor, a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and a Certified Sports Nutritionist. He has a private practice in Cambridge, Ontario, CA and is also a Medical Writer on Fullscript’s Integrative Medical Advisory Team. He outlined for us the process of development for Fullscript’s evidence-based protocols:
- Fullscript uses an A-F rating scale
- Redundancy is the goal
- And peer reviews are utilized
Benefits of Fullscript Protocols on BodySite
With this upgraded integration, you can put any of Fullscript’s protocols right on BodySite’s care plans. This includes their default protocols, protocols you create yourself or customized versions of the Fullscript protocols.
For example, you could combine Fullscript’s Metabolic Health Blood Sugar Support protocol with BodySite’s Mediterranean Diet for Diabetes plan. Or you might combine the Low FODMAP Diet plan with the Chronic Digestive Discomfort protocol.
When you assign the program to your patient, the Fullscript protocol will automatically be assigned as well. This streamlines the assignment of the Fullscript protocol rather than having to follow a 2-step process where you have to assign the plan then also assign the protocol. If you’d like to learn more about using Fullscript’s protocols on the BodySite care plans, click here.
New to Fullscript?
Sign up from this webinar invite and get 10 free shipping credits to see how Fullscript can better help your patients. This offer is only for new Fullscript signups and expires September 15. For US, click here. For Canada, click here.
New to BodySite?
Try BodySite completely free at this link and take advantage of the integration, including use of Fullscript’s protocols directly on your care plans.