Top Interactive Patient Education Programs of 2023

Which health and wellness care programs are the most popular? In this article, we’ll evaluate the most utilized programs on BodySite in 2023 and discuss the latest improvements to the BodySite platform. Using BodySite, providers can leverage a library of over 80 customizable interactive patient education programs that can address lifestyle, weight management, wellness, and even chronic illness in order to deliver instructions to patients automatically. BodySite’s library is constantly growing and expanding, with DPP and HIIT launching most recently, and Semaglutide Weight Loss coming soon.

To determine the top ranked care plans of 2023 thus far, the BodySite team evaluated the 5 most deployed programs of the 80+ available among BodySite clients, and ranked them from lowest to highest:

5. Pillars of Health

Ranking as the fifth highest deployed program on BodySite, the Pillars of Health program touches on the four pillars of health that help to keep the body running smoothly while also greatly benefitting emotional well-being. These pillars are nutrition, exercise, relaxation, and sleep.

The plan discusses how the four pillars work together to help the mind and body maintain good health. It encourages patients to aim for a good balance of each pillar. Here’s a brief summary of each pillar…

Nutrition: Maintaining good nutrition will allow their gut to produce healthy bacteria that sends “feel good” signals to the brain.

Exercise: Regular exercise will help their body produce endorphins and other chemicals that will help their brain deal with stress.

Relaxation: Giving yourself some time to relax every day will help reduce stress and anxiety while also increasing energy and focus.

Sleep: Maintaining good and healthy sleep hygiene will help lower stress, improve concentration, and boost emotional stamina.

This plan educates patients on the building blocks of a healthy lifestyle. It also provides them with helpful tips for each pillar in order to find a good balance of nutrition, exercise, relaxation, and sleep. The videos, prompts and tasks inside the plan help patients to reach their health goals.

4. 21 Days of Mindfulness

Coming in as our 4th most popular program of 2023, the 21 Days of Mindfulness follows Celebrity Life Coach, Jennifer Grace through daily, thoughtful exercises that work to improve mental health. Jennifer Grace was named Miami’s number #1 Life Coach by New Times in both 2016 and 2017. She is a Keynote Speaker, Radio Show host, and Hay House author of Directing Your Destiny and Drop the Rope.

Each day, Jennifer shares a new mindfulness practice such as a color walk and a kindness challenge. The daily instruction provided works to strengthen mindfulness, build confidence and provide patients with a new perspective as they follow along. Included is also a daily 15 minute meditation and workbook.

The 21 Days of Mindfulness is a jump start into the power of living in the moment and letting go of the restraints of past and future. This plan is the perfect accompaniment to any lifestyle program, diet, exercise plan or as a standalone course. Packed with videos and daily instruction, this plan is as impactful as it is easy to follow.

3. Clean 28

So far this year, BodySite’s 3rd most deployed program is the Clean 28. BodySite has 3 versions of its Clean 28: Clean 28 Healthy Weight Loss plan, Clean 28 Healthy Life plan and Clean 28 Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss plan.

The Clean 28 is all about eating healthy foods: lean meats, lots of fruits and vegetables, low carbs, and only healthy fats such as avocados, olive oil, and nuts. Carbs never go over 20% per day on this plan.

The Clean 28 Healthy Life plan uses the same format as the Clean 28 Health Weight Loss program, but does not reference weight loss specifically. The intermittent fasting version also uses the same format, but removes the breakfast recipe each day. The Intermittent Fasting version is actually the most popular of the 3 thus far in 2023.

Dr. Eric Kusher, DC, Owner of Compass Fat Loss, is just one of our providers who has experienced success through using our Clean 28 Program. He stated:

“In our practice, we have found the plan templates within BodySite to be invaluable in offering patients personalized solutions. Although our dietary guidelines are very patient-specific, BodySite has provided multiple pre-made plans available to us which are fully editable…this allows us to tailor the template to every patient’s specific requirements. While the Clean28 plan, for example, utilizes many of the parameters we offer within our program, we can also fully edit and save it to create a fully unique and personalized plan to fit within our model. Like many other of the advantages BodySite provides, these collective abilities are truly game-changers for our clinical care!” 

2. Weight Loss Roadmap

Weight Loss Roadmap, the 2nd most popular program of 2023, provides patients the support and the skills they need after the diet phase, so they can stick to a plan that works for their lifestyle.  And a lasting understanding of how easy it is to switch to healthy living habits, in a practical and easy way, every day for the rest of their life.

The Weight Loss Roadmap is different because it’s not a diet. Instead, this 12-week program is actually part of a lifestyle rejuvenation that takes patients through 5 simple phases, each of which is key to a lifetime journey towards their optimal weight and more importantly, their optimal wellness. And we promise, we won’t forget the final and most important phase that we call “Healthy For Life.”

We call the program the Weight Loss “Roadmap” because like any journey, there are many steps to the destination and each step is a foundational part that leads to that destination. And since each step of the journey is just as important as the end goal, we want to make sure we help patients navigate every step. This plan is here for patients the whole time to light the way and guide them, like signposts on the road.

Weight Loss Roadmap also pairs seamlessly with the Weight Loss In A Box solution provided by BodySite. Learn more at this link.

1. At-Home Fitness Plan

The number 1 most popular plan for providers in 2023 is the At-Home Fitness Plan. For people who do not have a gym membership, working out at home can be just as effective. This 8-week plan requires only some dumbbells, a mat and their own body weight. 

Recommended application is a healthy client or patient who is conditioned, but wants to lose body fat and get in better shape. This workout is not for people with physical restrictions such as knee or back injuries or other medical restrictions. The At-Home Fitness Plan includes daily workouts, with corresponding videos that demonstrate each movement/exercise, available on both the app and web platform.

Additional Features Added to BodySite in 2023:

  • Patient Groups: In your BodySite account, you can create as many groups as you’d like and your groups can have as many patients as you’d like. You can add every patient going through the same program or challenge, just a select few, every patient working through a similar condition or even all of your patients. The possibilities are endless!
  • Surveys now available in the app: Prior to this update, surveys were only available on the desktop version of the platform. Now patients can use the HIPAA-compliant power of BodySite surveys on the mobile application.
  • Note-taking on patient forms: Providers now have the ability to add their own notes to the forms/surveys as they review patient results/responses. This gives you the ability to add additional information when reviewing and/or when going over the information in a visit or call with the patient.
  • Over 20 new template forms/surveys: We’ve always made template forms/surveys available, but now, there are even more! Go to Libraries > Forms/Surveys > Available Forms/Surveys to see all of the forms that have been added. You can use them as-is or customize them to your preferences. You can also build your own!

BodySite is constantly evolving, so take a look around your account or ask us about our latest feature updates and programs. There’s something for everyone! 

If you’re already a BodySite subscriber, you have access to these incredible plans and features. For those who aren’t part of the BodySite community, take a look inside a LIVE BodySite provider account to play around with all the features of the platform. Once you’re ready to enroll, you get 30 days free with no obligation to stay beyond your trial. Get started today!