The Best Patient Food Tracker Just Landed Right In Your Own App on BodySite!

Our database of foods has 800,000 foods to search so that your patients can always track what they ate while following your lifestyle plan. But what if your practice has it’s own brand of protein or your patient needs to add their own custom food. No problem. You and your patients can both add custom foods to their food tracking, making the entire experience as personalized as can be.
You can add the nutritional data for the food and a picture as well, so that you can guide your patients to use ANY food, even it’s completely unique to your practice. To add custom foods for your patients, go to Libraries > Recipes > Custom Foods.
Once there, click Create New Food+ to create a custom food item.
Patients will see the “+Add your own food” option automatically when using the app if they search for a food item that doesn’t already exist in the database.
Updated 3/29/18 – Now with pictures of the food your patients ate! We know that tracking food, calories, macros and portions isn’t the approach for everyone or for every program. Sometimes you just want patients to SHOW you what they ate or TELL you about it, without all of the nitty gritty details. BodySite’s food tracker now lets patients add a picture and a note for each meal of the day. They can still track calories and more, right down the smallest detail. But if they just want to snap a pic, they can. And you and your staff can see all of it in real time.
The food tracker your patients want and that your practice needs for better patient compliance is available to you right inside your own BodySite provider account and app. You already know BodySite guides your patients through care protocols and lifestyle changes. And we’ve always had a food tracker for patients to log and journal meals.
Today, we are happy to unveil a new food tracker to further enhance compliance, patient engagement and guidance.
BodySite’s New Food Tracker Has Largest Food Database and Natural Language Search on web and in native iPhone app.
The BodySite food search now consists of nearly 631,000 grocery items, 137,000 restaurant items and 26,000 common Foods, with photos and user-friendly ordering of results. Not only is the food tracker equipped with a large food database, but patients can also add custom food items, pictures, save favorites and more.
Patients track food in a completely intuitive daily tracking interface for easy food logging to match the BodySite native iPhone app.
Easily add foods with the +Add Food prompt in each meal and then view your entire day at a glance, including macro breakdown to see percentages of each macronutrient consumed so far, including a net carb calculator and nutrition facts label for the daily consumption. Use quick tools to create a saved meal from the foods already tracked or to delete all foods in a meal.
While tracking, patients can view their macro breakdown for each meal with a quick view of what foods are already in that meal. Additionally, patients can click to view the macro breakdown for each food item individually.
Recent and favorite foods make tracking frequently tracked foods a breeze.
Tell your patients how to easily track foods by sharing this app food tracking training video with them:
Calorie Goal – set manually or calculate automatically
Not everyone wants to count calories or set a calorie goal, but it should be easy to do if someone wants to, so we added it! Using the updated Harris Benedict calculation, we can calculate the calorie goal based on age, sex, height and weight or patients can override it and set their own calorie goal both on the web and in the app.
BodySite has every feature you need to effortlessly and comprehensively guide your patients between office visits and monitor everything they’re eating, doing, and even thinking. Guidance, tracking, monitoring, management. All in one. Watch the training video above to learn more about our totally robust food tracker.
And if you’re not already using BodySite, try it free today.