Stress Reduction and Optimal Health Through Mindfulness and the Power of Presence

Is mindfulness the new kale? It’s on the cover of Time Magazine. The NFL and the NBA have instilled meditation into their sports psychology programs because they have found it helps players focus on the moment in front of them and stops negative self talk. Even the Mayo clinic is now prescribing 15 minutes of mindfulness a day because it increases patience, promotes creative thinking, manages symptoms of cancer, chronic pain, heart disease, high blood pressure, sleep problems, and tension headaches. It was found that meditation also decreases Cortisol, the stress hormone, and can prevent many of the diseases listed above caused by stress.
When Tim Ferriss did a study on 200 executives, billionaires, celebrities, and athletes, all at the top of their field, 80% of them reported to have a daily mindfulness practice. So it must be something to inquire about!
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the art of being present, being in the here and now. Why that is so important is because if we are not in the present moment we are probably caught up inside of our minds worrying about the future and regretting the past. We also may be planning or having life review, which are necessary to either move forward, or to look at what worked and what didn’t work in the past free of judgment.
It’s when we worry and when we regret that the stress hormone Cortisol is released, and we know that stress is the number one killer in the US and can be connected to almost all disease. When we worry it triggers emotions such as fear and anxiety. When we regret it triggers emotions like sadness, anger, depression, frustration, guilt, and shame. The issue is – the past is gone, and the future not yet created. We spend useless hours ruminating on things we can’t control or obsessively thinking about future events that may or may not ever come to fruition.
When we are consumed with worry or regret we are not clear nor are we creative. We can get short tempered with our loved ones, and we can stop enjoying life.
Many times there is an issue at hand that we must put our attention to, yet rather to worry about our finances, for example, we could use mindfulness, meditation, and emotional intelligence tools to let go of the stress and anxiety so we could think clearly about how to develop a new revenue stream.
We create our own stress. This is good news, because we can instead create our own peace. Whatever is happening outside of you is a reflection of the inner landscape that lies within. If we can use practical mindfulness and emotional intelligence tools to manage our stress, to become more clear, calm, centered, and balanced, we will start to see a shift in out outer reality. The promise of creating more connection with our loved ones, more peace in our everyday living, and more joy with everything we do, lies in the power of practice.
The 21 Days of Mindfulness program is turn-key and ready to deploy to patients today, right from BodySite. Use this plan to help patients practice mindfulness, reduce stress and alleviate symptoms associated with stress.
If you’re not using BodySite to guide your patients, try it free today and see how you can deliver better care, effortlessly and make your practice more profitable at the same time. Your BodySite account will be stocked with the 21 Days of Mindfulness plan as well as 60+ other template care plans for you to use directly with patients.
Jennifer Grace
Celebrity Coach, Jennifer Grace, was voted Miami’s number #1 Life Coach in 2016 by New Times, she is a Hay House author whose book, Directing Your Destiny, was published in 2013.
Based on the famed Stanford University Masters Degree Course “Creativity in Business” her program, The Creative Insight Journey helps students get “unstuck” in their lives. She empowers her clients with practical mindfulness tools and proven emotional intelligence techniques to decrease stress and to discover their purpose so they can move forward powerfully in their lives.
Jennifer currently leads workshops and courses in Miami at The Standard Spa, where she is the Resident Transformational Coach, as well as online. She owns a retreat company, Omluxe with celebrity photographer Pamela Jones. Over the last 6 years they have traveled to 15 different exotic destinations, and have raised over $100,000 to help communities in need worldwide. Learn more about Jennifer at