Reverse Type 2 Diabetes with Effective Meal Replacement Weight Loss Programs

Can you reverse type 2 diabetes with weight loss, diet and lifestyle change and get off medication? The CDC seems to thinks you can.
What if ‘reversal’ at least means your patients will lose weight and go off medication and maybe STAY OFF medications if they engage in a lifestyle program. According to Ann Albright, PhD, RD, the director of diabetes translation at the CDC, shedding extra pounds and keeping them off can help you better control your blood sugar. For some people, reaching a healthier weight will mean taking fewer medications, or in rarer cases, no longer needing those medications at all.
Hey doc, do you have a program for that?
We are so excited to release our first condition-specific PREMIUM wellness plans: The KetoPaleoFast and PaleoFast programs, brought to you by Dr. Sage Haggard. This set of four programs will allow you to get your patients an excellent result at a great price for you and for them. Please send an email to now to add these plans to your BodySite account. Watch the video first. 🙂
These programs are based on ketogenic and paleo diet principles with specific attention paid to the quality of the ingredients. They are also focused on primarily meal replacement shakes for 2 of the meals per day to make for easier patient compliance for better outcomes.
Please send an email to now to add these plans to your BodySite account.