Pillars of Health Patient Education Plan for Adopting a Balanced Lifestyle

Helping patients to adopt and achieve better health with a balanced lifestyle, including nutrition, exercise, relaxation, and sleep by using the Pillars of Health patient education plan.
What Are the Four Pillars of Health?
There are four pillars of health that work together in order to keep ones body running smoothly and efficiently while also greatly benefitting and protecting emotional well-being. These pillars are nutrition, exercise, relaxation, and sleep, and each one is equally crucial to patients health and lifestyle. The four pillars are as follows:
Maintaining good nutrition will allow your gut to produce healthy bacteria that sends “feel good” signals to the brain. Those with proper nutrition are generally much more productive due to their increased energy levels.
Regular exercise will help your body produce endorphins and other chemicals that will help your brain deal with stress. It can prevent health problems, build your strength, maintain a healthy body weight, curb your appetite, and boost your energy.
Giving yourself some time to relax every day will help reduce stress and anxiety while also increasing energy and focus. Relaxation can also provide many helpful benefits for our emotional and physical well-being including increased self-awareness, lower resting heart rate, reduced negative emotions, and many more.
No matter your age, maintaining healthy sleep hygiene is crucial to both your physical and mental health. Practicing good and healthy sleep hygiene will help lower stress, improve concentration, and boost emotional stamina.
A healthy balance of these pillars will help your mind and body maintain good health. Aiming for a good and healthy balance of each pillar will result in the best and healthiest outcome.
Why Are the Pillars of Health Important?
These four pillars of health are considered to be crucial to your health by many experts; if the pillars aren’t paid equal attention, your body may have a hard time running or sustaining certain pillars. The biggest problem is that most people don’t have the proper education needed to maintain healthy habits. Studies have shown that nearly 9 out of 10 adults may lack the skills needed to manage their health and prevent disease.
Understanding what the four pillars of health are and why they are so important may help adults to better manage their health. If one pillar goes down, so do the others. It’s like a chain reaction. Patients eat foods that are highly processed, and start to feel less energetic. Having less energy will make it harder to stay active, and everything combined might make it hard for patients to feel relaxed and fall asleep.
Finding a healthy balance of each pillar is also extremely important when it comes to preventing ailments diseases. Chronic diseases are the leading cause of death and disability in the United States; in fact, 6 in 10 adults in the U.S. have a chronic disease, and balancing the four pillars can be a great way to prevent and/or manage these diseases and ailments.
The Pillars of Health Patient Education Plan really dives into each pillar and gives helpful information on how to maintain each pillar.
What is the Pillars of Health Patient Education Plan?
The Pillars of Health Patient Education Plan is an automated patient education plan that will give your patients meaningful information on the four pillars of health along with some helpful tips in order to find a good balance of nutrition, exercise, relaxation, and sleep.
The Pillars of Health Plan includes daily tips and plans based on one of the four pillars that will help your patients develop an understanding of the importance of each pillar and what they can do to maintain a healthy balance of each one.
This plan teaches your patients about the meaning and importance of the four pillars of health. Each one is equally as important as the next and finding a good balance of them all will help your patients to adopt a healthy and balanced lifestyle of nutrition, exercise, relaxation, and sleep.
What’s Inside the Plan?
Providing new information for your patients that will help them maintain healthy lifestyles can be difficult, and it can definitely be a chore to collect all of the needed information.
Fortunately, their program will provide them with daily guidance and tips in order to help them to understand the Pillars of Health made specially for them. This way, they can maintain their healthy new lifestyle even after the plan is over.
Each day, their program will start with daily guidance concerning one of the pillars that they can follow throughout their everyday lives. Here is an example:
These are intended to educate your patients and/or to give them some tips and ideas that will help them maintain a healthy lifestyle during and after the Pillars of Health Plan. Patients can take in the information provided and use it throughout their daily lives.
Their daily motivation or tips are then followed by daily messages that will keep them engaged throughout each day of the plan. Here is an example:
These videos help patients to easily take in the information being given with an idea of how to use the guidance throughout their daily lives.
Each day provides this content for your patients and are a great help when it comes to easily understanding their new plan.
Why Pillars of Health?
We recognize that some doctors and some patients may need individualized approaches to wellness plans, so that’s why our Pillars of Health Patient Education Plan as well as our 60+ other remote care programs are all customizable using our content management system, if you choose to modify the program.
Their program will also come with access to a complete remote patient monitoring web portal and app for iPhone and Android. Patients will be able to track their progress, keep a journal, and follow your prescribed program materials everyday with ease, all while making the process of health monitoring much easier for you.
Use the Pillars of Health Patient Education Plan today to help your patients adopt a balanced lifestyle of nutrition, exercise, relaxation, and sleep. If you’re not already using the BodySite remote care platform, you can sign up for a free trial at this link. If you’re already a member, check out the Pillars of Health Patient Education Plan today!
1. https://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid=2007480
2. https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/resources/infographic/chronic-diseases.htm