Better Patient and Practice Marketing Needs to Be Engaging to Be Effective and to Attract More Patients
After working with doctors, wellness and weight loss practitioners for the past 15 years,...
New Obesity Guidelines – A Gift or a Burden for Wellness, Weight Loss, Integrative and Preventive Medicine Providers
The new obesity guidelines aren’t complicated, but they’re really important, for every...
Man Loses 37 Pounds and Lowers Cholesterol Eating at McDonalds for 90 Days – A Lesson for Healthcare Providers
Have you heard about the Iowa science teacher who lost 37 pounds over the course of 90 days by...
Obesity Society, American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association Issue New Overweight and Obesity Treatment Guidelines
In a perfect storm at the Obesity Week in Atlanta, GA today, The Obesity Society, American College...
Modern Medicine: Using the Internet and SmartPhone Technology to Upgrade Your Wellness Practice for Better Medical Care
Is your medical, wellness, anti-aging or weight loss practice leveraging internet and smart phone...
Exercise AS Medicine – Overcoming the Obesity Epidemic by Prescribing Wellness and Fitness Instead of Just Medicine
The explosive growth in medical weight loss, hormone replacement and other anti-aging protocols...