All-New BodySite Lifestyle Guide App
The Fully Native Lifestyle Guide App For iPhone AND Android If you didn’t already...
Clean 28 Healthy Weight Loss Program
Do you have a healthy weight loss program for your patients or clients? Now you do! The Clean 28...
Alerts + Reminders = Patient Compliance
BodySite exists to empower health care professionals to provide better care through digital health...
10,000 Steps to the Refrigerator – Why the Promise of Virtual Health Needs More Advice and Less Tracking
How many steps did you log on your Fitbit or Apple Watch today? Did you really take that many...
Auto/Self-Enrollment: For Free or For Sale
That’s right! You can now mark your plans for FREE or FOR SALE. Do you want to send your...
Alert Notifications for HIPAA Compliant Messages and Documents
We’re embarking on a huge programming enhancement to keep you and your patients / clients...
New Shopping List Creator: Create Shopping Lists for Meal Planning
Got patients? Chances are you want to give them lifestyle guidance that includes meal plans or...
DASHDietRx™ – A Complete Solution for Prescribing the DASH Diet to Patients for Hypertension
Have you prescribed the DASH diet (or any diet) in a way that makes it likely that your patient...
DASH Diet – Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, High Blood Pressure and Lower Cholesterol
You’ve probably heard of the DASH Diet before. D-A-S-H stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop...