Prescribing The Ketogenic Diet to Your Patients For Diabetes, Weight Management and More
Market and Implement the Ketogenic Diet in Your Practice with a completely new digital plan and...
BodySite Launches Group Telemedicine Visits for Virtual Patient Care
What are Group Visits? Simply put, group visits consist of a physician and/or healthcare provider...
Most COVID Hospitalizations Linked to Four Conditions
Since the beginning of the pandemic, studies have shown that chronic conditions put people at...
New Remote Patient Monitoring Time Tracker Now Available on BodySite for Easier RPM Management and Implementation
Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) can be used in your practice to improve patient care and increase...
New Patient Questionnaire and Intake Form Builder for Easier Data Collection by Healthcare Providers
BodySite launches a patient questionnaire and intake form builder to make collecting patient data...
ModernDASH Diet Plan to Help Patients with Hypertension and Heart Disease
Improving patient outcomes by taking a modern approach to a well-established heart healthy...
Encounter Notes For More Efficient Patient Charting and Documentation
BodySite is excited to launch Encounter Notes, a completely new upgrade of our Provider Notes...
BodySite Coffee Break March 18, 2021
BodySite discusses new features for better patient management and care including document sharing...
Storing Patient Documents Just Got Even Better
Now you can store all patient document in their record on BodySite, but only share the documents...