A4M World Congress 2022: What’s Happening in Vegas…

Doctors and healthcare specialists around the world are convening together for the annual A4M World Congress in Las Vegas, Nevada on December 9th to December 11th. This year’s theme: Longevity Fest 2022, celebrating 30 years of medicine redefined.
While there is much fun to be had, there’s also so much knowledge to be gained and new connections to be made. Here’s what’s to look forward to at this year’s Longevity Fest 2022:
The Venetian and Palazzo Resort
This year’s event will be hosted at the The Venetian and Palazzo Resort, most famous for its stunning recreation of the city of Venice, Italy. Featuring Gondola rides and crystal blue waters as you walk towards your activities for the day.
Additionally, the hotel offers a pool and spa, world class restaurants and incredible shows. A great opportunity to network and interact with friends and colleagues.
Be sure to connect with The Venetian and Palazzo Resort to make your reservations and ask about their upcoming shows and events!
Longevity Education
While the incredible faculty and speakers at this year’s Longevity Fest have a wide range of topics to cover, one theme you’ll see throughout the education is that of incorporating healthy eating, probiotics and other healthy lifestyle activities to promote patient longevity.
Technology is also a key player in this year’s longevity discussion. Keynote speaker Dr. Peter Diamandis, MD will be discussing how technology will further human lifespans in his discussion titled “Longevity Breakthroughs: How Exponential Technologies are Extending the Healthy Human Lifespan or Making 100 Years Old, the New 60! ”
Some of the most innovative minds in functional medicine will be presenting at this year’s conference. Click here for a full list of this year’s speakers.
ADigital Health by BodySite
BodySite and sister brand ADigital Health is so excited to be partnered with A4M as its remote patient care platform. The BodySite team is so thrilled to see our current clients and our prospective providers at this year’s Longevity Fest 2022. Stop by Booth #1049 to see us.
BodySite has most recently unveiled its live preview feature that allows you to step inside of a fully functional BodySite provider account, giving you access to all the main features of the platform. Stop by our booth to test out the technology for yourself! BodySite’s software and mobile application gives you an easy way to automate patient education and lifestyle guidance, remotely monitor patient data, host telmedicine visits and more, all while saving you time and improving patient outlines.
BodySite will also be displaying our latest boxed care solutions, including our diabetes box, and samples of custom box orders.
The Car Giveaway
Looking for a new ride? A long-honored tradition of the A4M World Congress is the incredible Car Giveaway. Attendees of the congress have the opportunity to participate in the random drawing for a luxury vehicle, sponsored by a select group of exhibitors. All you have to do is visit specified exhibitors, including BodySite at Booth #1049, and get your card stamped for a chance to win! Who knows? You might just get lucky!
Developing Lifelong Friendships
This past April at the A4M Spring Congress, two providers and longtime A4M members , Lori Esarey, ARNP-C and Kelly Engelmann, CFNP, shared their experience meeting each other for the first time at an A4M event.
Kelly and Lori went on to become business partners and lifelong friends. So many A4M members share similar stories of incredible networking opportunities that have furthered their career or simply introduced them to some great people.
Whatever you may be looking forward to, BodySite would like to wish you a safe, enriching and fun Longevity Fest. We hope to see you in Las Vegas very soon!