6 Strategies to Boost Compliance Using Technology

Ensuring patient compliance with treatment plans and recommendations is essential for helping them to achieve improved outcomes. However, motivating patients to actively participate in their own care can often be a challenge.

Fortunately, with the right strategies and tools in place, healthcare providers can empower patients to take charge of their health journey. In this article, we’ll explore six effective ways to improve patient compliance and engagement, and how your practice can begin seamlessly integrating these innovative tech strategies to enhance patient care, using one platform that combines them all.

1. Explain the “Why” with Encouragement and Inspiration:

Motivating patients to make necessary lifestyle changes or adhere to treatment plans begins with clear communication and understanding.

By explaining the reasons behind recommended actions in a way that is encouraging and inspiring, providers can empower patients to see the value in their efforts and feel motivated to make positive changes for their health.

2. Offer Continuous Support Between Office Visits:

Support shouldn’t end when the patient leaves the office. With technology-enabled solutions, providers can offer ongoing support and guidance to patients between office visits.

Whether it’s sending reminders, providing educational resources, or answering questions through secure messaging, continuous support helps keep patients engaged and accountable to their care plans.

Sound complex? It would be if you tried to create all of these systems from scratch. Thankfully, platforms like BodySite allow for you to do it all without the hassle of managing your patients’care in ways that are simple and automated.

3. Digitally Educate Using Interactive Patient Education:

Traditional patient education materials have their limitations. Pamphlets and paperwork get lost, or patients forget to use them altogether. That’s why digital platforms like BodySite allows providers to deliver personalized, interactive, and engaging educational content to patients right to the patient’s computer and/or smartphone.

From instructional videos, recipes, diet and exercise ideas, to interactive tasks and more, self-guided digital education tools make it easier for patients to understand their conditions, treatment options, and self-care strategies.

Reach patients where they are. If patients can spend hours scrolling social media, read headlines and message friends, they can also easily pull up their care plan for the day, access education and complete their tasks with a few clicks.

4. Track Patient Progress with Connected Health Devices:

Monitoring patient progress is crucial for assessing the effectiveness of treatment plans and making necessary adjustments.

Patient connected devices are commonplace even outside of healthcare. Savvy tech companies have realized that patients want to take a more active role in monitoring their health, with or without their healthcare practitioner.

However, as you know, patients don’t always know how to interpret this data in order to make a meaningful change to their health. Whether its their weight, heart rate, activity level or another metric, with your patients’ permission, you can use data that patients are already collecting in order to make more informed decisions about their care.

If your patients are using health devices such as Oura Ring, Fitbit, and smart scales, you can track their patient metrics and trends over time. This data-driven approach enables more personalized and proactive care interventions.

5. Engage Patients Through HIPAA-Compliant Means:

Effective communication is key to maintaining patient engagement and adherence to treatment plans. HIPAA-compliant communication channels, including telemedicine and instant messaging, enable you to engage with patients securely and conveniently.

Whether it’s scheduling virtual appointments or addressing patient concerns in real-time, HIPAA-compliant communication tools facilitate seamless patient-provider interactions in between office visits.

This gives your patient more accountability and a way to ask you questions, and receive critical feedback on their progress. Combine this with patient education and patient tracking, you’ll be able to inform your patients on how to proceed with their treatment program.

6. Use The App That Enhances Patient Engagement: BodySite

BodySite is a remote patient care and management platform that combines all of these essential elements and more in a comprehensive platform designed to enhance patient engagement and compliance.

With features such as customizable education programs, seamless integration with health devices, and secure communication channels, BodySite empowers providers to deliver proactive, patient-centered care that drives better outcomes.

Get Started

Ready to revolutionize patient engagement and compliance in your practice? Sign up for BodySite today and discover how our innovative platform can transform the way you deliver care. Claim your 30 Day Free Trial HERE.

Additionally, consider branding your practice’s app with BodySite to create a seamless and personalized experience for your patients, HERE. Join the BodySite community and take the first step towards empowering your patients to achieve their health goals.